Tuesday, May 29, 2012

final project (doing my chores)

Mollys Morning Chores 
first i take care of the chickens...and a turkey
give them freash water
and a healthy breakfast
next is hoppers, he gets nice clean water
and food
along with some fresh hay
last but deffinetly not least is jackey
new water

and food

 and that makes her happy!
now i've fulfilled my morning chores.

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

My Milestones

Molly Walsh
Literacy and Justice Though Photography
            Three milestones in my life, experiences that changed me, moments of impact I don’t care what you call them we all have them and we emerge different somehow, older, stronger, more confident, cautions, wiser…we all have them and they change all of us.  Three that have had the biggest impact on me are: #1 dawns death, #2 Puerto Rico, #3 my Hawaiian surf safari. 
I was in 7th grade when Dawn passed away, I think that the reason it had such a big impact on me was because it was the first death were I had maintained a personal relationship and it was the first one where I was old enough and mature enough to understand what happened and feel the loss.  Dawn was in her mid 20 when she passed away and it brought about the realization that it doesn’t mater how old you are you have no control of the amount of time that you are allowed you only have control over how you spend that time and what you do with it.  After this experience I made a choice to try and do something nice for someone every day (I don’t always do a very good job of this), tell the people that I care about in my life that I love them every day, and enjoy my life to the fullest. 
When I was in 8th grade I chose to go on a school trip to Puerto Rico.  I’m not really 100% positive what compelled me to do this, but I’m happy I did.   When I returned home from this trip I realized that I have been so lucky.  I realized I have parents that care about me and love me so much, I have a support system at school to rival the one I have at home, I go to a school that gives me opportunities to travel and see things that some people will never get to do like help others ect.  When I came back from Puerto Rico I began looking at my life a little bit differently, trying to have a more positive outlook on my life and try to have more empathy with others.
 I went to Hawaii about 2 months ago now, however the moment of impact came a few weeks after I returned.  I started surfing this summer in California and when I came back to Colorado I just wanted to be at the beach and surf all the time.  While I was in Hawaii I found myself thinking a lot about the mountains and snowboarding/skiing while I was surfing and enjoying myself.  A few weeks after I got back I was sitting at the top of a mountain in the snow and I realized that I don’t live near an ocean and I can’t surf all the time, I live in Colorado in the mountains which are just as beautiful as the ocean and I love to ski and snowboard.  I realized then that I need to embrace the place I live and enjoy it because I love the mountains just as much as the ocean.  I am Molly Walsh, I live in Colorado and I love the ocean, these are my milestones, moments of impact, and experiences that have changed me and taught me many lessons.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Thursday, January 19, 2012

this is of the banister in my house

this is my favorit chair

this is what i think of when i think of warmth

Brown, Calm, Fields

Dirty .
this is
what others think of
when they see,
But this is not what i see,
I feel calm and safe, warm and dry.
I think of my father worn and the safety and calm that comes with them.
I think of the peacefulness of sunny canyons,
And of happiness on a hot day at the beach.
I think of the strange of the desert,
This is what
Is to me.